Connecting Generations – Celebrating and learning event 11/4/19

Following the popular series “Hen Blant Bach” and “The Toddlers that took on dementia” on S4C and BBC Wales, Dr Catrin Hedd Jones and her KESS MREs student Mirain Llwyd Roberts, are working with Gwynedd Council and Grŵp Cynefin Housing to invite practitioners to share and celebrate the growing intergenerational work in the UK. Three postgraduate researchers (Hamer, Howson, & Roberts) are currently evaluating the programmes in day care and care home settings and the implementation factors when introducing programmes such as  ‘Shared Care’ (Woods, Hamer, Jones & Williams, 2019). Delegates will hear about the work and resources available through talks by the “Friend of Mine” team, established in 2016 to tackle loneliness with over 50 partners working with the health board. Stephen Burke (United for all ages) will discuss the benefits for young people and children and Helena Herklots the recently appointed Commissioner for Older People will also share her priorities in this new office and term. The stage will also include practitioners, an intergenerational choir and workshops will share best practice in Research, Education, Housing and Resources. Quite a lot to pack into a morning and an important element of the CADR work in supporting communities led by Catrin Hedd Jones.

Conference page (more will be added after the event

Other links

Ffrind i Mi website:

United for All Ages. (2019). The next generation: how intergenerational interaction improves life chances of children and young people. Retrieved from:

Woods, B., Hamer, L., Jones, C.H., & Williams, N. (2019). CareShare: An intergenerational programme for people with dementia and nursery children. BPS Faculty of Psychology Older Persons Bulletin 145, 33-37.

KESS2 Funding with company partners Darlun TV and Gwynedd council have funded our two MRes studentships.