Category: News

KESS Alumnus, Dr Steffan Thomas, helps facilitate cooperation between Bangor University and creative industries

Steffan Thomas

People working in creative industries in north Wales are to come together with experts from Bangor University’s School of Creative Studies & Media on 19 January in a networking event; Beyond Borders, expected to be the first of a series of similar workshops. This first event between lecturers and researchers and members of Creative North Wales is seen… Read more »

Tenovus Cancer Care partnership opportunities through KESS 2: Call Now Open

Research at Tenovus

Tenovus Cancer Care are inviting expressions of interest for KESS 2 project partnerships with a submission deadline of Monday 26th February, 2018. Tenovus Cancer Care is an eligible KESS 2 company partner and have partnered on fifteen KESS studentships during the previous KESS project. For KESS 2, Tenovus Cancer Care are keen to be an active partner on studentships, and will… Read more »

Brewing Sustainable Craft Beer in Wales

Craft Beer Project

Recent market research has shown that alcohol consumption in Britain has fallen by 18% since 2004. The beer sector has also seen a decline in demand but within this sector, the Society of Independent Brewers has reported a steady growth amongst its members. The number of breweries in Britain is at a 70 year high… Read more »

Tears and laughter as young and old share experiences

Hen Blant Bach

Over recent months, in care centres across Wales, an innovative social experiment has been taking place – and the results are astonishing. In a new series of three emotional programmes on S4C, starting Sunday, 10 December, Hen Blant Bach shows what can happen when six children share their day care with a group of pensioners… Read more »

The science of everyday hand use : Call for participants!

Hand Study

A KESS 2 funded research project at Bangor University are looking for healthy adults to compare with patients who have injured hands as part of an ongoing study. The project works alongside NHS Wales and Bangor University’s School of Psychology. To find out more, or if you are interested in taking part, contact or call 01248 388587

Swansea University’s KESS 2 scholar William Kay joins the Royal Society of Biology stand at the 2017 ‘New Scientist Live’ event.

Will Kay : Royal Society of Biology

William Kay MRSB met hundreds of members of the public between Thursday 28th September and Sunday 1st October to discuss his work and answer questions about his research as part of the “Ask a Biologist” activity during the 2017 ‘New Scientist Live’ event. Members and Fellows of the Royal Society of Biology (RSB) delivered hands-on… Read more »

Understanding our oceans: How and where do fish swim?

Saithe & Pollack Fish

Bangor University’s Schools of Ocean Sciences, Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, working in collaboration with company partner Tidal Lagoon Power, are looking for a computer science student to help them build an autonomous vehicle that will answer questions that have bugged ecologists and fisheries scientists for years – how and where do fish swim? The new project… Read more »

Documenting three good things could improve your mental well-being in work

The Conversation

Article by Kate Isherwood, KESS 2 PhD Student (School of Psychology, Bangor University). Originally published by The Conversation on September 4, 2017. Read the original article. The UK is facing a mental health crisis in the workplace. Around 4.6m working people – 7% of the British population – suffer from either depression or anxiety. In total, 25% of all EU citizens will report a… Read more »

Developing new long‒range micro backpacks for bees

A project to develop a new means of tracking bees in the landscape is progressing well according to scientists at Bangor University.  An ecologist and a microsystems engineer are working together to develop micro-backpacks for bees that will enable the bees to be followed by small drones as they fly from plant to plant. This will enable scientists to learn… Read more »

EU funded research projects showcased at KESS 2 Awards event

KESS 2 Awards 2017

On Thursday 27th July at the National Botanic Garden of Wales, ESF funded project KESS 2 presented awards to three competition winners during an engaging evening of live Presentations and an exhibition of Research Images, titled ‘Making Waves’. The event, attended by students, companies and academics, showcased just some of the ongoing EU funded research… Read more »