Covid Chronicles continues with KESS 2 face-covering selfies!
Posted byKESS 2 (M)
As part of the #CovidChronicles series, KESS 2 have provided participants with face coverings to help them safely continue their research and daily lives. Below is a gallery of selfies sent to us, and you can follow the trend as it continues on Twitter @KESS_Central#CovidChronicles
(Above) Trys Burke from Bangor University says that her greatest challenge during the pandemic has been not being able to go into college and chat with other people, “I miss the daily interactions, silly things like a simple question that could be answered in an instant by a colleague, take so long to work out when you are on your own. What has helped me through are the staff in the ITS department who have been amazing during this time and helped me massively – a really big thank you to you all”.
Mae Robin Andrews, Prifysgol De Cymru, yn aros yn ddiogel ac yn gwisgo ei mwgwd yn ffair fwyd a chrefft Nadolig Fictoraidd ym Maenor Llanyrafon, Cwmbran. / Robin Andrews, University of South Wales, stays safe and wears her face covering at a Victorian Christmas food and craft fair at Llanyrafon Manor, Cwmbran.
Dywed Rob Brown o Brifysgol Bangor fod cwtshys cŵn wedi ei helpu trwy’r pandemig. Dyma fe yn ei orchydd-wyneb â Jess y ci. / Rob Brown from Bangor University says that dog cuddles have helped him through the pandemic. Here is is in his face covering with Jess the dog.
Anwen Jones a’i goruchwyliwr academaidd Yr Athro Judy Hutchings, Prifysgol Bangor, yn cael goruchwyliaeth o bell ac yn dymuno Nadolig Llawen i’w gilydd. / Anwen Jones and her academic supervisor Prof Judy Hutchings, Bangor University, wish each other a Merry Christmas during a socially distanced supervision session.
Mae John Voss o Brifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd yn gwisgo ei orchydd gwyneb wrth roi gwaed. / John Voss from Cardiff Metropolitan University wears his face covering whilst donating blood.
Ismail Fadul a Dr Stephen Morris yn gwisgo eu gorchuddion wyneb KESS 2 yn y labordy ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. / Ismail Fadul and Dr Stephen Morris wear their face covering at the lab in Swansea University.
Nisha Rawindaran o Brifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd yn gwisgo ei mwgwd gyda balchder. / Nisha Rawindaran from Cardiff Metropolitan University wears her face covering with pride.
Mae Marta Ragu o Brifysgol De Cymru yn gwisgo ei mwgwd ym mhobman! / Marta Ragu from University of South Wales wears her face covering everywhere!
Jane Phipps, aelod o dîm KESS 2 o Brifysgol Abertawe. / Jane Phipps, KESS 2 teams member from Swansea University.
Emma Williams, Prifysgol Bangor / Emma Williams, Bangor University
Mae Tasmia Tahsin o Brifysgol Abertawe yn dweud wrthym fod ei gorchudd gwyneb yn gyffyrddus iawn! / Tasmia Tahsin from Swansea University tells us her face covering is very comfortable!
Dom Fonseca, Prifysgol Caerdydd / Dom Fonesca, Cardiff University
Yr Athro Davey Jones, goruchwyliwr academaidd o Brifysgol Bangor / Prof Davey Jones, academic supervisor from Bangor University
Dan Steward, Prifysgol Aberystwyth / Dan Steward, Aberystwyth University
Mae Patryk Poslajko o Brifysgol Aberystwyth yn dweud “diolch yn fawr iawn am y masgiau, maen nhw’n fwy na da, yn ffitio’n berffaith ac rydw i’n eu gwisgo ym mhobman!” / Patryk Poslajko from Aberystwyth University says “thank you very much for the masks, they are more than good, fit perfectly and I wear them everywhere!”