Innovation Nation: KESS 2 features in new collection of case studies highlighting R&D value in Wales.

Baneri KESS 2 Banners

Our new KESS 2 banners making their debut at the Innovation Nation launch event.

KESS 2 is proud to feature in a new collection of case studies highlighting the value to the Welsh economy of research and development activity in universities in Wales.

The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) publication Innovation Nation, which was launched at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay on 30th March 2017, is the first comprehensive showcase of the contribution Wales’s universities make outside academia.

Click here to read the full HEFCW press release
[PDF opens in a new tab]

The Publication: Innovation Nation (KESS 2 feature on page 54)
[PDF opens in a new tab] 

See also: Article on the Welsh Higher Education Brussels website
[link opens in a new tab]