Case Studies: Postgraduate Researchers

Innovations in soil health analysis

Digging an experimental pit

ROB BROWN INNOVATIONS IN SOIL HEALTH ANALYSIS Soil is a finite and non-renewable resource. It is key to providing a wide range of goods and services such as sustainable food production for a growing population and resilience against climate change. However, increasing the intensity at which we are using soil resources is beginning to cause… Read more »

How digital tools enable collaboration between small, medium, and large business and government in Wales in pursuit of circular economy outcomes.

digital tools for circular economy

SOPHIE MULLINS A STUDENT’S PERSPECTIVE Circular economy moves away from the traditional take-make-waste economy to develop a more sustainable future. The circular economy could provide a new way to live in the future and develop interactions between businesses, government bodies and each other. My project, titled “How digital tools enable collaboration between small, medium, and… Read more »

Assessing hand hygiene compliance and food safety culture in food manufacturing

EMMA SAMUEL A STUDENT’S PERSPECTIVE Food businesses have a duty to assure the food they prepare for people to consume is safe.  One of the simplest and most effective ways to achieve this is by maintaining excellent hand hygiene practices during food production. However, research indicates that, for a host of reasons, food handler hand… Read more »

Developing business innovation in an economically challenged region: A study of Medium-sized Businesses in Wales

John Barker

JOHN BARKER A STUDENT’S PERSPECTIVE Wales has historically low levels of innovation and business growth compared with the UK. The impending impact of Brexit and Covid-19 will see a reduction in the economy leading to reduced consumer spending, even lower productivity, and more job losses making the need for Welsh businesses to innovate massively important… Read more »

Developing new chemical and genomic technologies for traceability and quality assurance of edible and industrial vegetable oils

Kirstie Goggin

Kirstie Goggin (ESF-funded KESS 2 PhD), was awarded her PhD in an amazing timescale of 3 years 4 months through the KESS 2 Programme, being the first KESS 2 female PhD recipient at USW. KIRSTIE GOGGIN A STUDENT’S PERSPECTIVE My PhD was about developing new chemical and genetic approaches to improve traceability, transparency and authenticity… Read more »

The geographies of place for tenant participation in the housing association sector: A case study of Merthyr Tydfil, Wales

Tom Lambourne

Tom Lambourne is currently in the final year of his ESF-funded KESS 2 PhD in Human Geography at the University of South Wales, and has been conducting research into tenant participation in the housing association sector in Wales. The partner organisation is Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association (MTHA), based in Merthyr Tydfil. The organisation is a… Read more »

Welsh scientists are helping to keep our food healthy, safe and sustainable

Kirstie Goggin in the lab

Much of our food in the UK is sourced via often-complex supply chains involving numerous producers and processors from around the world. Unfortunately this can lead to illicit and/or unethical practices as some food ingredients may be contaminated by adulterants or obtained from undesirable sources. Recent examples include the use or horsemeat instead of beef… Read more »

Turning waste gases into renewable products

Rhiannon Chalmers-Brown

Rhiannon Chalmers-Brown has returned to study her PhD at the University of South Wales, having initially studied BSc Chemistry at USW. She was encouraged by her research supervisor Richard Dinsdale to apply for the KESS 2 scholarship, as she has a keen interest in renewable energy and the environmental sector in general. Rhiannon started her… Read more »

Supporting people with alcohol-related brain damage

Rob Heirene

Rob Heirene is currently undertaking an ESF-funded KESS 2 PhD at the University of South Wales, carrying out research into how people with alcohol-related brain damage could be cared for in supported housing. His partner organisation, Solas Cymru, is a charity based in Newport that provides a broad range of services for people who are… Read more »

Using Big Data to increase productivity

Rebecca Peters

Rebecca Peters is a research student in the School of Computing and Mathematics at the University of South Wales, currently undertaking an ESF-funded KESS 2 PhD in Big Data Analytics. Working with Tata Steel in Talbot, Rebecca is using her keen interest in the real-world applications of Data Science, and exploring its varied techniques within… Read more »