KESS 2 event at Cardiff University strengthens community of participants

On 18th December 2017, the KESS 2 team at Cardiff University held a social event with talks and presentations led by Cardiff based KESS 2 students.

The aim of the event was to build a KESS 2 community where students funded by the programme were given the chance to get to know each other and share ideas, knowledge and experience, which in turn would enable them to become active partners in shaping their research environment through interdisciplinary interaction.

The event was also an opportunity to create and reinforce awareness for the Well-being of Future Generations Act, which KESS 2 has embedded into its programme, by engaging students and academics on how they could get involved.

The event was attended by over 40 participants and KESS 2 beneficiaries, including students and academic supervisors, overall receiving positive feedback from attendees.

Event Gallery