Tag: Cardiff University

KESS 2 Annual Event 2023

Vaughan Gething MS speaking at a KESS 2 event

 On Thursday, September 28th 2023, the KESS 2 Annual Event was held at the VOCO St. David’s Hotel & Spa in Cardiff Bay. Two key events were held, one during daytime and another in the evening. Daytime Event The daytime exhibition was attended by the Minister for the Economy of Wales, Vaughan Gething MS, and… Read more »

Fish hives: artificial reef structures restoring coral colonies

Coral reefs are tropical habitats made from living coral that thrive in the warm waters of the world. Unfortunately, due to global warming, these delicate corals are being damaged and the habitat they create is turning to rubble. In response to this, many research projects have been initiated focusing on restoring corals and rebuilding reefs…. Read more »

Adam Williams wins the ‘Researching the Rainbow: LGBTQ+ thesis of the Year’ award

Adam Williams, a KESS 2 participant from Cardiff University, recently won the ‘Researching the Rainbow: LGBTQ+ thesis of the Year’ award at National Student Pride 2022. It is the UK’s biggest LGBTQ+ student event, committed to improving the queer student experience across the UK. The award acknowledges a researcher who demonstrates a passion for bringing… Read more »

World Kidney Day 2022

Emma Jones sitting by her desk

10th March 2022 is World Kidney Day and here at KESS 2 we are highlighting some of the fantastic kidney related research funded by the ESF in partnership with Kidney Wales. KESS 2 researchers Emma Jones of Bangor University and Lauren Jones of Cardiff Metropolitan University both have research projects with Kidney Wales. Lauren’s project… Read more »

Elizabeth Williams wins the ‘People’s Choice Award’ at 3mt presentation competition

Elizabeth Williams, a KESS 2 participant from Cardiff University, recently won the ‘People’s Choice Award’ at the Welsh Mathematics Three Minute Thesis (3mt) competition hosted on 17th March, 2021. The 3mt was organised by the SIAM-IMA student chapter at the School of Mathematics in Cardiff University and the competition was open to all Welsh mathematics… Read more »

Covid Chronicles (Video): Undertaking R&D with KESS 2 during a global pandemic

Simon Johns

 KESS 2 recently asked participants how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on their respective research projects. Postgraduate researcher Simon Johns, and his company partner Gwylan, share their experiences of continuing their KESS 2 funded R&D during these trying times. The Student Perspective: Simon Johns, Cardiff University I’m studying an MPhil; it’s an evaluation of… Read more »

Covid Chronicles (Audio & Blog) : Adam Williams from Cardiff University shares his lockdown experiences

 Covid Chronicles is a series of stories from KESS 2 participants in reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic. Here is a blog post and audio recording by Adam Williams from Cardiff University: When written in Chinese, the term ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger the other represents opportunity. While the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown… Read more »

Watch: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure webinar talks by KESS 2 particpants

On 30th July 2020 Bangor University’s Sustainability Lab hosted a webinar focusing on Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, linking up with the United Nations “Goal of the Month”. Amongst the speakers for the webinar were three KESS 2 participants; Shannan Southwood-Samuel, Nisha Rawindaran and Jennifer Langer, whose short talks you can watch again below. Videos are subtitled… Read more »

Throwing new light on oak heart-rot

Oak Heart-Rot

  Research has begun this summer to throw new light into a little understood condition in older oak trees – heart-rot. Mycologist Richard Wright has started a three and a half year KESS 2 PhD research project under the Action Oak initiative, which is supported by European Social Funds (ESF), supervised by Professor Lynne Boddy… Read more »