KESS 2 & KESS 2 East take steps to ensure that our team and all our partners consider sustainability in all our activities. We demonstrate this by giving meaningful consideration to the well-being of current and future generations in all that we do. By adopting this innovative and logical approach to project management and delivery we are promoting the Welsh Government’s ‘Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015)’ which became law in April 2016.
During the lifetime of KESS 2 we plan to engage in an active learning process to improve our understanding of what sustainability and well-being really means to us and our partners. We are enthusiastic about partnering with others who share the same vision and who are on a similar journey.
Penny Dowdney is leading on the Sustainability agenda with a team of Bangor University experts alongside all KESS 2 stakeholders and teams. KESS 2 is funded by European Social Funds (ESF) and this way of working is the way we have chosen to make a positive contribution to the Cross-Cutting Themes.
There are three cross-cutting themes defined for all ESF projects:
· Equal Opportunities, Gender Mainstreaming and the Welsh Language
· Sustainable Development
· Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion
All of them can be wrapped up in the One Sustainable Development Principle.
One Sustainable Development Principle
Five Ways of Working
Seven Well-Being Goals
This way of working has gained global recognition. This is what Nikhil Seth, UN Director of Sustainable Development, says about the Welsh Government’s approach:
“The Wales Future Generations Act captures the spirit and essence of two decades of United Nations work in the area of sustainable development and serves as a model for other regions and countries… We hope that what Wales is doing today the world will do tomorrow. Action, more than words, is the hope for our current and future generations.”
KESS 2 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
In addition to the above, to help implement and promote sustainability, KESS 2 has integrated the UN Sustainable Development Goals into our programme of activities. The United Nations declared 2020 the start of The Decade of Action, which calls for accelerating sustainable solutions to all the world’s biggest challenges.
What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are designed to achieve a better and more sustainable future for everyone. They address global challenges, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, peace and justice. The 17 Goals are all interconnected and map onto the Welsh Future Generations Goals (outlined above).

The United Nations declared 2020 the start of The Decade of Action, which calls for accelerating sustainable solutions to all the world’s biggest challenges — ranging from poverty and gender to climate change, inequality and closing the finance gap.
If you would like to learn more, we are organising a series of webinars reflecting one UN SDG each month. We will bring together presenters from KESS staff and KESS students to explore each goal further and share more about how KESS 2 & KESS 2 East projects contribute to sustainable development.
Further Information
You can find further information about the ‘Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015)’ on our Downloads page, under Sustainability Resources.