Astudiaethau Achos: Fre-Energy

Treuliad Anaerobig: potensial hyn i wella perfformiad economaidd ac amgylcheddol systemau ffermio organig (Safbwynt Myfyriwr)

(English) KESS PhD student talks about his experiences, John Walsh’s KESS project, economic benefits of anaerobic digesters.

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Treuliad Anaerobig: potensial hyn i wella perfformiad economaidd ac amgylcheddol systemau ffermio organig (Safbwynt Academaidd)

What this project did that was different from other projects was that it placed an economic value on the environmental benefits that anaerobic digestion can offer over the short term. Over the long term, this type of work has the potential to offer wider societal benefits, for instance an improvement in water quality; this in turn can affect the tourism industry, water companies and so on. In addition to this is of course the fact that anaerobic digestion provides a source of renewable energy, reducing CO2 emissions.
There are many people who can benefit financially from the results of this research, the taxpayer benefits, as do large, medium and small private companies; so there are many economic and environmental advantages and I think that this is highlighted in the project.

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