DR ADRIAN MIRONAS : Ymchwilydd Gwasanaethau Iechyd yn Technoleg Iechyd Cymru Ar ôl cwblhau fy BSc mewn Biocemeg, dilynais MPhil mewn Bioleg Foleciwlaidd a ariannwyd trwy’r rhaglen KESS gyntaf. Yn dilyn hynny, dilynais PhD mewn Diagnosteg a Rheoli Clefydau mewn cydweithrediad â’r GIG a’r diwydiant. Roedd fy mhrosiect yn edrych ar dechnolegau newydd o’r sbectrwm… Darllen mwy »
Astudiaethau Achos: Prifysgol Aberystwyth
Prosiectau cyfredol KESS 2 mewn partneriaeth â Gofal Canser Tenovus
Mae’r ymchwil sy’n cael ei chefnogi drwy KESS 2 a Gofal Canser Tenovus wedi gwneud cymaint eisoes i helpu cleifion â chanser. Dyma brosiectau sy’n cael eu cefnogi ar hyn o bryd gan Ofal Canser Tenovus gyda KESS 2, i barhau i helpu pobl y mae canser yn effeithio arnynt. 2018 Amlinellu sut mae… Darllen mwy »
Geneteg poblogaeth aderyn ysglyfaethus prin: y Barcud (Safbwynt Myfyriwr)
(English) After graduating from Aberystwyth University with a BSc degree in Equine Science it was a challenging project which confronted me when I commenced my studies last October. Also, coming from a very different background – a) being Latvian b) having my first education in Economics and c) the only animal I was at all familiar with being the horse – dealing with Red Kites and molecular genetics involved a lot of learning before commencing the research. However, by reading a tremendous amount of literature and ‘extracting the knowledge’ of my daily academic supervisors Dr Rob McMahon and Dr Matt Hegarty, as well as meeting up with Professor Mike Hayward and Tony from the Welsh Kite Trust, step by step I soon realised my mission.
Darllen mwy »Ymgorffori bwyta cig oen a safon maethol mewn rhaglen bridio masnachol (Safbwynt Myfyriwr)
(English) Undertaking this research with Innovis Breeding Sheep Ltd. means that Eleri can learn a wide range of practical skills. The mixture of academic and company contacts, has created interactions with a large network of people who have assisted in the project. As the project is commercially based, it involves the measurement of lamb meat quality traits, in a range of different environments including farm, abattoir, processor and laboratories. It has allowed Eleri to develop a range of skills in all these areas in conjunction with the overall project management of this research. The contacts Eleri has met and learnt from, means that she will be looking to further her career in a similar area to this current project.
Darllen mwy »Strwythurau amddiffyn artiffisial fel cynefinoedd ar gyfer glannau creigiog naturiol: yn rhoi help llaw i fyd natur (Cyflwyniad)
(English) The UK’s Marine Policy Statement advises that in addition to avoiding harm to the environment, marine developments should also include “beneficial features” for marine wildlife. However, much remains unknown about the potential for manmade structures to deliver ecological benefits and surrogate for natural rocky shore habitat. Our research investigates the role of coastal defences in providing substrate for marine plants and animals to colonise. It also explores the potential to manipulate structures in order to achieve more beneficial outcomes from coastal defence developments.
Darllen mwy »Effect of rumen lipases on ruminal lipid metabolism (Presentation)
Student: Cate Williams Company: Hybu Cig Cymru Academic Supervisor: Dr Sharon Huws The effect of rumen bacterial lipases on ruminal lipid metabolism The relationship between SFAs and chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease, are well established, and despite providing many essential vitamins and minerals, red meat suffers much negative stigma. This confusion has developed… Darllen mwy »
Sgrinio llyfrgell cynnyrch naturiol sy’n deillio o blanhigion am briodweddau anthelmintig (Cyflwyniad)
(English) The MPhil project was supported financially by the KESS scholarship which allowed the collaboration of a Welsh SME, PhytoQuest, and the Hoffmann Parasitology research group at Aberystwyth University. This collaboration has allowed for a screen of extremely pure plant-derived compounds, provided by the Welsh industrial collaborator, to be performed assessing the selective activity of the library against a species of parasitic worms of veterinary and biomedical importance.
Darllen mwy »Developing motivation and engagement in users of innovative fitness technology (Presentation)
Student: Thomas Awdry Company: Broadsword Publishing Academic Supervisor: Dr Emily Oliver & Dr Joanne Hudson Motivation in fitness technology This MPhil project is being conducted alongside Aberystwyth based video game and software development company ‘Broadsword Publishing’, and the project is the development of a boxing exercise game through their subsidiary company ‘World Boxing limited’, the… Darllen mwy »
Geneteg poblogaeth aderyn ysglyfaethus prin: y Barcud (Cyflwyniad)
Myfyriwr: Ilze Skujina Cwmni: The Welsh Kite Trust, a Ecology Matters Goruchwyliwr Academaidd: Dr Rob McMahon, and Dr Matthew Hegarty
Ymgorffori bwyta cig oen a safon maethol mewn rhaglen bridio masnachol (Cyflwyniad)
Myfyriwr: Eleri Price Cwmni: Innovis Goruchwyliwr Academaidd: Yr Athro Nigel Scollan a’r Athro Will Haresign