Astudiaethau Achos: Curiad Music

Mary Richards (Darowen) a chasglu alawon traddodiadol Cymru (Safbwynt Myfyriwr)

(English) I loved working with the company because it drew upon my love and expertise of the history of Welsh music. It was nice to have different perspective of my work outside of the world of academia, which at times was refreshing.

In the work place I gained extensive experience of using software that was beneficial for my PhD and the work with the company, it developed my musical and technical skills and that helped with what I was doing day to day with the PhD, and with the company’s publications in the long term. I was also given the opportunity to use new and different software on digitising tonic sol-fa into modern notation which was beneficial for the company as well. When typesetting the music I could put the tonic sol-fa line in, a considerable number of males voice choirs wanted the tonic sol-fa and instead of sending work out, it could be done internally.

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