Astudiaethau Achos: Sárvári Research Trust (SRT)

Datblygu amrywiaeth o domatos sy’n gallu gwrthsefyll malltod hwyr – ar gyfer hinsawdd Gogledd Ewrop (Safbwynt Myfyriwr)

(English) A different PhD model For me KESS has been a fantastic opportunity, being able to work on a project linked to a company that has real world objectives means that the research I am doing can be applied and is actually doing useful things in the real world, which has suited me quite well.

Highlights So far it would have to be having the opportunity to attend the Euroblight conference; because that was the first time I’d presented real original research that I’d done to an audience of other scientists. I also think generally getting my first results out of my trial and these actually being used by the company that I’m working with to inform what they are doing in their breeding programme; it was good to see my research actually being used.

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Datblygu amrywiaeth o domatos sy’n gallu gwrthsefyll malltod hwyr – ar gyfer hinsawdd Gogledd Ewrop (Safbwynt Busnes)

Myfyriwr: James Stroud Cwmni: Sárvári Research Trust (SRT) Goruchwyliwr Academaidd: Dr Katherine Steele David Shaw, Sarvari Research Trust: Sarvari ResearchTrust is a small organisation, so one of the things that attracted us to the KESS programme was the ability to have a substantial piece of research done for a relatively low price. It was also… Darllen mwy »