Astudiaethau Achos: Ysgol Chwaraeon Caerdydd

Gwella Iechyd drwy Weithgarwch Corfforol: Ennyn diddordeb menywod ifanc “anodd eu cyrraedd” yn y Cymoedd

ELLYSE HOPKINS Mae Ellyse Hopkins yn cwblhau PhD â chyllid KESS 2 mewn cydweithrediad ag Academi Gymnasteg y Cymoedd. Mae ei hymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar ennyn diddordeb menywod ifanc o gefndiroedd difreintiedig mewn gweithgarwch corfforol. CEFNDIR Fe wnes i gwblhau gradd gyntaf a gradd meistr ym Met Caerdydd. Ro’n i’n hoffi’r amgylchedd ac yn cyd-dynnu’n… Darllen mwy »

Effeithiolrwydd rhaglen hyfforddiant gwytnwch sy’n gysylltiedig â golff ar iechyd meddwl ac iechyd ffisiolegol pobl ifanc yn ardal sir Gaerfyrddin yng Nghymru

Carmarthen Golf Club

(English) The Student Perspective by Hamish Cox, Cardiff Metropolitan University. The main aim of the project is to develop teenager’s life skills; this is achieved through the creation of an intervention programme in partnership with Carmarthen Golf Club. The main need for the project was highlighted in the Carmarthenshire County Council brief for health and wellbeing and community 2011-14. Essentially the local authority is working proactively ensuring that young people are ready for the future so that they can thrive in adulthood.

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The design implementation & evaluation of a resilient coping & life skills development plan for adolescents within a Football Coach Education programme (The Student Perspective)

My KESS project is a collaboration between Cardiff Metropolitan University and the Welsh Football Trust. The project focusses on life skills development and resilient coping within adolescent footballers at a grassroots level, working with clubs but also with coaches. The aim is to develop a coaching education programme that will educate coaches within the Welsh Football Trust to then be able to go out and integrate the life skill and resilient coping development within their coaching.

The programme, that has been developed, focuses on the education of coaches, raising awareness around life skills, along with how they can be used in a practical coaching environment.

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