(English) After graduating from Aberystwyth University with a BSc degree in Equine Science it was a challenging project which confronted me when I commenced my studies last October. Also, coming from a very different background – a) being Latvian b) having my first education in Economics and c) the only animal I was at all familiar with being the horse – dealing with Red Kites and molecular genetics involved a lot of learning before commencing the research. However, by reading a tremendous amount of literature and ‘extracting the knowledge’ of my daily academic supervisors Dr Rob McMahon and Dr Matt Hegarty, as well as meeting up with Professor Mike Hayward and Tony from the Welsh Kite Trust, step by step I soon realised my mission.
Darllen mwy »Astudiaethau Achos: The Welsh Kite Trust
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Myfyriwr: Ilze Skujina Cwmni: The Welsh Kite Trust, a Ecology Matters Goruchwyliwr Academaidd: Dr Rob McMahon, and Dr Matthew Hegarty