Wrth i ni nesáu at ddiwedd y rhaglen, hoffai KESS 2 a Phrifysgol De Cymru arddangos yr ymchwil rhagorol a gyflawnwyd drwy gydweithio â’n partner cwmni Tata Steel UK. Dros gyfnod o 8 mlynedd, mae Tata Steel UK wedi cefnogi 16 o brosiectau PhD ac 1 prosiect Meistr Ymchwil, gan gynhyrchu ymchwil o effaith genedlaethol… Darllen mwy »
Astudiaethau Achos: Safbwynt Academaidd
Datblygiad roboteg forwrol i astudio symudiadau bywyd dyfrol ar raddfa gain (Fideo)
Astudiaeth achos fideo 25 munud gan ymchwilydd PhD KESS 2 o Brifysgol Bangor, John Zachary Nash. Mae John Zachary ac eraill sy’n ymwneud â’r ymchwil hon, gan gynnwys cynrychiolwyr partneriaid cwmni o RS Aqua a H R Wallingford, yn siarad am eu prosiect olrhain pysgod cyffrous sy’n gydweithrediad trawsddisgyblaethol ym meysydd gwyddoniaeth forol a pheirianneg electronig. Mae is-deitlau ar gael yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg trwy’r… Darllen mwy »
Dadansoddiad Croen yr Wyneb ar Ddyfeisiau Symudol
ELLIOT NAYLOR Meistr drwy Ymchwil KESS 2 Mae fy nghefndir mewn Datblygu Gemau Cyfrifiadurol ag yn ystod y cyfnod hynny gefais gyfle unigryw i ddatblygu gêm ar gyfer yr Ymddiriedolaeth Diogelwch Ffyrdd o’r enw ‘Virtual Road World’ (VRW). Wrth ddatblygu’r gêm hon a chyfathrebu â staff, cefais fy annog i wneud cais am brosiect ‘Meistr… Darllen mwy »
Profiad yn hwyr yn ei yrfa i fyfyriwr ymchwil
ANDREW ROGERS PROFIAD YN HWYR YN EI YRFA I FYFYRIWR YMCHWIL Cymerais y llwybr hir i gychwyn ar fy ymchwil ar gyfer PhD. Dechreuodd y siwrnai drwy weithio am bum mlynedd ar hugain mewn Iechyd Cyhoeddus; symud i’r sector preifat fel ymgynghorydd busnes; ambell i daith i weithio gyda Sefydliad Iechyd a Byd neu’r Cenhedloedd… Darllen mwy »
Arloesi mewn dadansoddi iechyd y pridd
ROB BROWN ARLOESI MEWN DADANSODDI IECHYD Y PRIDD Mae pridd yn adnodd na ellir ei adnewyddu ac y mae pen draw iddo. Mae’n allweddol i ddarparu ystod eang o nwyddau a gwasanaethau, fel cynhyrchu bwyd cynaliadwy i boblogaeth sy’n tyfu a gwytnwch yn erbyn newid yn yr hinsawdd. Fodd bynnag, mae cynyddu’r dwyster yr ydym… Darllen mwy »
Daearyddiaeth lle o ran cyfranogiad tenantiaid yn y sector cymdeithasau tai: Astudiaeth achos o Ferthyr Tudful, Cymru
Ar hyn o bryd mae Tom Lambourne ar flwyddyn olaf ei PhD KESS 2 mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol sy’n cael ei ariannu gan ESF ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru, ac mae wedi bod yn cynnal ymchwil i gyfranogiad tenantiaid yn sector cymdeithasau tai Cymru. Y partner sefydliad yw Cymdeithas Tai Merthyr Tudful (MTHA), sydd wedi’i lleoli ym… Darllen mwy »
Gwyddonwyr Cymru yn helpu i gadw ein bwyd yn iach, yn ddiogel ac yn gynaliadwy
Mae llawer o’r bwyd yn y DU yn dod drwy gadwyni cyflenwi sy’n aml yn gymhleth ac yn cynnwys nifer o gynhyrchwyr a phroseswyr o bedwar ban byd. Yn anffodus, gall hyn arwain at arferion anghyfreithlon a/neu anfoesol oherwydd gall rhai cynhwysion gael eu halogi gan ddifwynwyr neu eu caffael o ffynonellau annymunol. Mae enghreifftiau… Darllen mwy »
Dylunio a datblygu system newydd ar gyfer sychrewi di-haint samplau bach o hydoddiant dyfrllyd (Safbwynt Academaidd)
(English) Cardiff Metropolitan University has recently had its first KESS PhD completion; the project developed novel packaging solutions for the freeze-drying of specialist pharmaceuticals. The KESS student, Dr Chris Cherry, was based at the host company, MicroPharm Ltd in West Wales. The academic supervision for the project was provided jointly by The National Centre for Product Design & Development Research (PDR) and The Cardiff School of Health Sciences (CSHS); both academic schools are based on Cardiff Met’s Llandaff Campus. The KESS project covered the science of mass and heat transfer characterisation through to the challenges of maintaining sterility and containment within a freeze dryer. This research project delivered a very successful PhD in just over three years. In addition, the collaborative nature of the project has derived a range of supplementary benefits for the student, company and university. This case study describes the chronology of the KESS project, and attempts to capture the tangible (and intangible) benefits to the three main parties.
Darllen mwy »Ffyrdd newydd o drin ffenomenon Raynaud (Safbwynt Academaidd)
(English) The KESS project essentially looked at the provision of a better glove; the problem with most gloves is that they tend to be randomly made up of the materials available at that time. There are some very good glove materials available on the market, but consideration needs to be taken when looking at the combinations and the creations of the gloves.
As part of the KESS project we looked to generate a test which is less destructive and better for the patient/subject, while at the same time giving us the same information so we have that aspect, which means that the people/the end user will be benefitting. The project has created a test bed that we can use, and created a good link with the Raynaud’s and Scleroderma association who are the main beneficiaries to some extent. It’s tested and produced a methodology to test gloves and from that we have managed to get the data in.
Darllen mwy »Patrymau gweithgarwch mewn mamaliaid: beth yw costau adsefydlu?
The impact for the RSPCA has been significant in that they have been able to review their rehabilitation and release strategies based on the work we have done together. This means more effective and successful care for Badgers in the future but also, the RSPCA (and other organisations) have a framework for best practise for the reintroduction of any rehabilitated animals.
As a result of the public engagement work we have undertaken, such as appearing on television and radio, the profiles of both the RSPCA and Swansea University have been raised. Improving public awareness of environmental issues is an important outcome of projects such as this, with not only societal impact, but future economic impact as it leads to improved student recruitment to the university.
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